lunes, 5 de marzo de 2018


Hola chicas de nuevo. Otro día más por aquí a enseñaros un nuevo proyecto en el que llevaba trabajando tiempo. Es uno de esos trabajos que vas haciendo por placer, a tu ritmo, sin prisas y disfrutando cada pedacito de papel, cada dibujo, ..., para alguien especial.

Hi girls! Virginia here again in order to show you my new proyect which I've been working for some time in. This is a proyect made by pleasure, slowly and enjoying with each piece of paper, each stamp,..., for someone special.

Hoy os traigo un álbum pop up, de esos que están tan de moda. Aunque reconozco que me ha encantado hacerlo, no tengo claro que vuelva a hacer uno en este estilo. No se, como se suele decir, nunca digas de este agua no beberé, por si acaso.

Today I wanna show you a Pop-Up álbum. Although I reconize I loved doing it, I'm not sure about doing another one like this.

Desafortunadamente, no tomé fotos de portada ni de interior, con las prisas de salir de viaje para entregarlo. Pero si lo os apetece verlo, aquí os dejo el video con todos los detalles. Os advierto que me ha costado lo mío hacerlo, que casi no me cabe en la mesa de grabación. Pero aún así espero que podáis apreciarlo: 

Unfortunately I didn't take photos due to I had to travel very quickly to give it to her owner. However, if you wanna see it, here you have a video which you can see all the details in. I advise you that it cost me to take the video because I don't have enough area to save it.

Y con ésto me tomo un respiro de unos días. Aunque me seguiréis viendo por aquí dentro de poco. No tengo intención de desansar demasiado.

¡Nos vemos!

Well, after this, I'm gonna take a rest for some days. Of course I'll come back soon.

See you!!


8 comentarios:

  1. Such fun vibrant colors and the shaker element is great too! I am sure it was a great gift!

    Thank you for joining us at Crafty Sentiments Designs for our Spring challenge.

  2. What a STUNNING pop-up album you have made. Your card fits the Lemon Shortbread Monthly Challenge this fortnight. Thank you for taking part and best wishes in the draw. Kym (Lemon Shortbread Design Team Member).

  3. I was totally mesmerized by this album. Those pop-ups are so unique and in a mini-book - WOW! Thanks for sharing your talent on the Mini Album Makers Challenge blog.

  4. What a fabulous album! So many great ideas!! Thank you for sharing it with us at the Mini Album Makers Challenge blog!

  5. This is so very clever! Such cute images and they look amazing with your paper choice. I love the many detailed flips and flaps and especially like how you added acetate to protect the inserted photos. Really amazing work! I'm so thankful you shared with us at Mini Album Makers this month. Big hugs, Autumn

  6. Not only are the interactive elements of this fabulous, but the size of this mini is super! I love how bright and colorful it is, too! Thanks for sharing your work with us at Mini Album Makers Challenge Blog.

  7. What a fabulously constructed album - love the interactivity of all the flaps and pages. Thanks so much for playing along with us at Mini Album Makers.
    Alison x

  8. This is so very clever! Fabulous album! Thank you for sharing it with us at the Mini Album Makers Challenge blog!
